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The Delta Gamma Foundation

Delta Gamma's national philanthropy is Service for Sight. The purpose that Delta Gamma holds is to raise money and awareness for various blind persons organizations and to make the most positive impact on those effected by blindness. Along with Service for Sight, the Zeta Iota chapter of Delta Gamma has other organizations that have been adopted over the years. We hold philanthropy close to our hearts and hold the values of philanthropy high. Our Foundation Mission states, "The Delta Gamma Foundation fosters lifetime enrichment for members, promotes Service for Sight, and partners with the Fraternity to ensure the future of our sisterhood."

Anchor Splash

Our main philanthropy event, Anchor Splash, is held every Spring semester. During Anchor Splash, members of other fraternities and sororities on campus participate in fundraising, games and activities to raise money and awareness about Service for Sight. It is our favorite time of year!

Volunteer Work

Our chapter was the first sorority on Chapman's campus to volunteer directly with our philanthropy. This hands-on service is what makes our foundation work so special and meaningful. We volunteer with two organizations: Sunnycrest Senior Living Center and The Blind Children's Learning Center.

At Sunnycrest, sisters interact with and assist residents and their everyday activities, including: holiday decorating, dominos, workout classes, and special events.

Our chapter is priviledged to have the opportunity to work with the Blind Children's Learning Center, located in Tustin, California. Sisters are able to visit the BCLC regularly, volunteering with children and staff to create the best environment possible for the children. We attend special events and are able to have hands-on time with the children.  

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